Viral disease caused by the Varicella zoster virus.
A herpes virus that causes shingles.
Examples for "herpes zoster virus"
Examples for "herpes zoster virus"
1The dermatomal distribution of their lesions suggests an association with herpes zoster virus infection.
1The three ophthalmic herpes zoster cases were less than 30 and homosexual.
2The frequency of herpes zoster was higher with anifrolumab than with placebo.
3The association between herpes zoster and subsequent cancer risk is still unclear.
4Glaxo's vaccine for herpes zoster, aka shingles, has been developed over two decades.
5Further prospective studies are needed to determine the relationship between herpes zoster and PCa.
6Gastroenteritis and herpes zoster occurred more frequently with abatacept treatment.
7The dermatomal distribution of their lesions suggests an association with herpes zoster virus infection.
8Nodular herpes zoster seems to be an exceptional clinical presentation.
9Childhood herpes zoster is believed to be rare, though recent studies suggest increasing incidence in children.
10The prevention of herpes zoster may be another use of live attenuated or inactivated varicella vaccines.
11The remaining three patients developed atypical non-localized herpes zoster, which was associated with visceral dissemination in one patient.
12Shingles, or herpes zoster, is a painful, blistering rash caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox.
13Twenty-two patients developed localized herpes zoster.
14It has been suggested that herpes zoster may increase the risk of subsequent prostate cancer (PCa).
15Our study suggests that although herpes zoster occurs frequently in patients with SLE, it has a relatively benign course.
16The herpes zoster vaccination rates exceeded the recommendations from Healthy People 2020 whereas pneumococcal and influenza rates were below.
Translations for herpes zoster